solutions Cloud Computing and cloud architectures. Design and consultancy cloud and virtualized infrastructures for businesses.

Benefits of virtualized infrastructures

When you virtualizas a server or even an entire system get virtual machines interact with each other. This enables the creation of various services and applications in the same [...]

What it is and what features does the Industrial Cloud?

It is increasingly common to hear and read the 'Industrial Cloud' concept. It is a resource that is greatly facilitating the work in the industry thanks [...]

Cloud Data Management, Cloud Platform

In this post we will provide the most important information on Cloud Data Management, the cloud platform used by all and for all. It is a [...]

IT Information Technology vs. technologies operation OT

Although it may seem that only dance a letter and can be a mistake, IT and OT are two different concepts. Precisely these differences will speak today in our [...]

Diferencias entre una VPN y un escritorio remoto

Actualmente, son muchísimos los profesionales que optan por trabajar fuera de la oficina. Es uno de los grandes adelantos que han llegado a la sociedad actual gracias al avance [...]

El impacto del 5G en el crecimiento de las diferentes industrias

En el año 2020 será cuando las redes 5G serán una realidad. Tanto los usuarios en general como las empresas sufrirán una serie de cambios para digitalizar su entorno [...]

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