This article addresses a problem of hardware design which is currently largely overlooked with components outdated u obsolete.

A threat exists due to a physical failure of any hardware element that makes up a computer system. These physical defects can be a manufacturing defect or poorly designed hardware, but they can also be the result of misuse and careless maintenance.

hardware design

Hardware design keys

design the hardware of a device is a long and very complex process in which the physical design of the device. For this to work, the hardware design should be complemented by a software that controls and regulates the hardware.

The dangers of hardware design

The hardware design is made of a material called PCB (Printed circuit board) in electronics. These plates are made of non-conductive material and have paths (traces) of conductive material (usually copper) defined on them, that allow the connection of various components of the structure. In general, PCBs they overlap to facilitate the interconnection of components and to avoid crossing traces. The outer layer is usually grounded to isolate the system from external disturbances.

Types of threats to hardware design

– Wear

Continued use of hardware gives as a result a wear which reduces the optimal performance of the device over time until which becomes unusable.

- Bad design

If the hardware components of the system are not the right ones and do not meet the necessary requirements, that is, the part of the module it is not properly designed to work on the system.

– Manufacturing fault

This happens when the hardware parts they are obtained due to a manufacturing defect and then fail when you try to use them. Although the quality of the hardware components is the responsibility of the manufacturer, such threats affect the organizations that buy them the most.

- Power supply

Voltage fluctuations can damage equipment, so it is necessary to make sure that the power supply is operating within required parameters. It is also important to ensure that these devices provide the voltage required for the device to function, as some hardware components must be powered with a specific voltage level specified by the manufacturer, otherwise his life will be shortened.

- Physical security

It is understood as a set of measures and protocols that control physical access to items. Refers to the computer security, consists of measures to prevent unauthorized persons from accessing a certain terminal or device.

– Neglect and improper use

All components must be used in accordance with the parameters specified by the manufacturer, including proper maintenance life, cycles and procedures, as well as proper storage. Failure to comply with these practices it can increase wear, which can lead to premature failure and shorten the life of resources.

A hardware vulnerability refers to the possibility of a physical part of the system failing. (whether due to abuse, neglect, poor design, etc.), leaving the sistema vulnerable o inutilizable. It also discusses the ways in which people can use the hardware for attack system security, such as crashing a system by deliberately overloading it with hardware components that are not properly designed to work in the system.

hardware design

Conclusions of the hardware design

In conclusion, the innovation team Netcloud recommends that all decisions made in the process of hardware design are taken with full knowledge of the facts. The ideal would be to use components that, on the one hand, are relatively new and have a life cycle similar to the components that we want to deliver on the device.

And on the other hand, they are duly tested and do not have any vulnerability. Unfortunately, combining these two criteria is not an easy task and, in most cases, a balance must be struck between benefits and risks.

In the near future, with the proliferation of dispositivos IoT, it is expected that the secure hardware design is positioned as a critical and much-needed element of the cybersecurity paradigm. Connecting a vulnerable device to a network (home or work) poses a very high risk because it acts as a gateway to more sophisticated attacks.