Why integrate HSTS into a security certificate?

Four years ago, Google formally implemented a security policy called HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS). Shortly after, highly prestigious social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Gmail ...) and [...]

To update computer systems or be vulnerable?

Currently, large companies tend to move their assets in the cloud (cloud data management) and to digitalize all the processes performed. This also makes [...]

Realizar un MitM (Man in the Middle) con Ettercap

You know what would be or what it would do a MITM (Man in the Middle) with Ettercap? MitM is an attack that is that we introduce in the middle of a [...]

Avoids the possibility of IT risks in your company

The amount of data on the network, we do not know and can become vulnerable it is immense. Although a personal level we are much less careful [...]

Ciberseguridad en la robótica industrial

En muchas actividades industriales, los trabajos antes realizados por los humanos han comenzado a ser realizados por robots. Estos se han construido principalmente para encargarse de tareas muy repetitivas [...]

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