If you work in IT department a company is likely to take responsibility if a problem occurs concerning the cybersecurity. Not always that's your job, because the manager must be the person taking care of the systems, but just being there is likely to touch you receive a chat. Throughout this post we are going to offer basic cybersecurity tips for businesses very simple to help you that this does not happen again.

Thus, if you are simply a worker from another department to follow these rules as if they were commandments, you will avoid any problems concerning the seguridad online.

Keep your data safe in the labor network

Passwords can be memorized

When people are improving and receive positions of greater weight in the company, cybersecurity It is getting closer, at the apex of the pyramid.

From the IT department always recommend putting a password that takes uppercase, lowercase, numbers and a symbol. We must avoid using the same password for all or write it on paper so everyone can see it.

there are some Password Managers you can use to generate more secure passwords and the team to remember you.

Make good use of wifi

If you connect to free wifi point, note that the network can not be true. It's best to talk with encagrado to check the validity of all networks that are reached. If you have the opportunity, log under the VPN your business or Secure Connection. Evita also make financial transactions.

secure network connection

You must follow these tips if you use the enterprise network:

  • Protects the network with a secure password.
  • It allows access only certain members who need it.
  • Configure a guest network.

Control the use of USB

If you find a USB device that you do not know, do not connect your computer ever, because not knowing what you find may contain infected content malware causing damage to your company network or on your computer.

Make copies of your security of your information

Do you know ransomware? It is a practice that is doing a lot of damage in some companies where the cybercriminal encrypts user information and asks for money in exchange for unlock. If you do backup You have no way to solve the problem, but if instead of you made, you only have to restore the data, and voila, problem solved.

We can also find computer security courses for companies they can teach you how to perform such steps.

Physical security

Sometimes the problem is often access in the building of people outside the company. It is never safe from a physical or cyber crime. Therefore, you must take care of your tools and, if you observe the presence of a person you do not know, it's better to sound the alarm, to avoid greater evils.

cybersecurity for online businesses

So remember that safety is everyone and if you use all these basic cybersecurity tips for businesses that we have given you will be a bit quieter and you can find work without problems.

Of course, if you need a professional and reliable company with years of experience in cybersecurityYou can contact nosotros at all times.