External server helps us to enjoy a space in which to install software and store all kinds of information in a place foreign to us, with the considerable and obvious advantages that this implies, such as assuming less or not needing so much space in our facilities, as well as surveillance and maintenance personnel, etc. As you can imagine, it is not a single solution but we enjoy different options, such as the ones that we are going to evaluate today knowing the main differences between VPS and Cloud servers.

How do VPS and Cloud servers work?

We can start by indicating their similarity, which is none other than in both cases we have services based on virtual machines.

The VPS is a division of a physical machine to turn each of the parts into virtual servers. This means that each one can have a different and exclusive configuration, although, as is logical, all of them will depend on the physical machine.

For his part, Cloud server for businesses It is virtual and we find several physical servers that distribute the executions of this, which allows it to offer scalability and a great configuration.

VPS and Cloud servers: comparison

We are going to see the main aspects in which both services turn out to be less similar.

Enterprise cloud servers

Hardware failures

If there is a hardware failure, the VPS will depend entirely physical server, being completely affected all the virtualizations of the machine.

In the case of Cloud services we give a IT infrastructure that supports it, which allows hardware to be redistributed across different, unaffected nodes.

physical resources

A VPS, part of a physical machine, is totally conditioned by the physical resources it offers.

The Cloud technology performs an emulation of the behavior of physical servers. This means that all kinds of resources can be allocated.


The VPS does not work in case of failure. At most, it will be able to take resources, in a limited way, from another virtual machine nearby, whenever the circumstance allows it.

With a server Cloud services have or mechanism swap to keep running.

Unlike private servers

Types of administration

The servidor VPS it will rarely allow you to manage the resources offered to you.

The Cloud, however, is much more flexible in this regard. There are services of all kinds, from those that will not give you access to said administration to those in which you have it one hundred percent; it's a matter of finding it.


As you can imagine, the fact of having so many advantages makes the Cloud Server Service be more expensive compared to VPS server.

In any case, in our option, we do not have to compare this aspect in relation to other services but, simply, the cost for what we are offered is fair or not, something that you can easily determine by checking the amount of benefits it includes and the price difference between the different solutions.