Since the 5G technology made an appearance (officially) at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona in 2019, the technological giants have not stopped highlighting the wonders that this new network will offer us. Accredited voices of industry experts affirm that with this new system, users will enjoy significant progress around functions such as downloading large files in the blink of an eye, or connecting between cars to avoid possible traffic accidents.

But just as many highlight its pros, there are those who emphasize its cons. These frame alleged health risks and the beginning of a new conspiracy era focused on the leakage of inside information and personal data. Something, however, that has already been linked to technological and network development for some years and for which many are suspicious. In fact, some already argue that it is a technology created by politicians to control the population. The truth is that many things are said and through this article we want to clarify several points that are of interest to everyone. Let's go there!

What is the 5G network about?

All specialists agree that 5G technology it is only one new generation of mobile network. And it is that mobile networks are evolving in response to some standards that are applied worldwide.

It all started back in 1995, with the emergence of 2G technology. A whole revolution in a country, Spain, that was beginning very slowly improve your network infrastructures. Then came 3G, 4G, and now 5G, which is focused on marking a new stage in the mobile network thanks to the greater advantages compared to other generations:

  • Lower consumption of Energy
  • Greater security in net
  • Higher bandwidth to upload and download content
  • Less time of reply

A mobile network that will improve the daily lives of users

In order for us to experience the influence that 5G can have on our daily routines, it is necessary to get hold of mobile devices that are compatible with this new network. It will be then at that moment when the majority of citizens have a phone that supports 5G realize the change. Especially related to the consumption of audiovisual content, much faster, of quality and interactive.

For Mercedes Fernandez, Manager of Innovation, Operations, Network and Telephone of Telefónica Spain, this network will bring improvements in health, education and in all areas that we know. He even assures that it will not be long before 5G technology allows us connect cars with each other to optimize safety and traffic.

That yes, it states that it will be a few years for the 5G technology reaches 100% of the population, although by the end this 2020 is expected to have 75% population coverage.

5G is dangerous for health, myth or reality?

This fifth generation of mobile network uses the same frequencies as previous generations, radio and television. The interesting thing is that scientists have been studying the impact of these frequencies on health for a long time, and until now, there is no scientific proof that they put human health at risk.

By Therefore, we can consider that these rumors that 5G technology could adversely affecting our health is an inaccurate statement.

AND Although there are already scientists who have their sights set on 6G, the 5G technology is still in the making, so our challenge will be to discover how we are going to get the most out of it to new advances to improve services, education, health, etc.

Is it possible that this network improve our daily life? To some extent, like almost all technological advances, it will be so, but we still do not know the magnitude of its influence. We will know very soon.