Access to software, automation and ease that we provide various connectivity options make often relegate to the background related aspects with our information security. But ... this happens by choice? Are we aware of what it means sacrificing security for accessibility, connectivity and automation and shirk or really have no idea?

Because of its importance, we will tell how to get securize industrial data in 2019Considering the current risks, different forms of storage, management and protection of information, etc.

Industrial cybersecurity in 2019, what to do and how?

The first thing to be clear is that we must take a different approach to everything that known as industrial cybersecurity. Traditional architecture is already ineffective in virtually any industrial space in which to come into play aspects of the industry 4.0, which, despite being full of benefits, are also more insecure.

The Big Data, Prevailing in any space forces us to work on a security model which is based on data as a key element to protect the same time as seeking to use them aimed at providing safety to the moment we met.

Securing company data

Some aspects that endanger our information are its greatest volume, which grows exponentially every second, coming from various sources, the distance at which they migrate, destinations different (and more varied), faster movement ... All this makes them start create microcracks, risks that did not exist and that we must avoid.

Our approach for securing business data in 2019

To achieve and maintain our sensitive information safe considering new strategies and security architectures, We recommend at least consider the following:

  • Implement solutions that are, as we say, data-centric. Have to consider them, the increasing volume and their movements.
  • Train all users They have access to the system. This includes specialized training content, but also to influence good practice to be performed, something very important and often involves a significant amount of problems. It is surprising that more than half of the accidents that occur are related to malpractices staff. This means that no matter how well you have mounted the snack bar if treats someone who knows the danger is still there.
  • To classify your data in layers according to their sensitivity, so that we can determine the level of risk They are involving and, following this, considering the rules and actions most beneficial for each level.
  • Practicing detection of infringements to be proactive.

2019 securize industry data

Once these issues are resolved, it only remains to deepen cybersecurity your data with audit and consulting and introducing gradually, those that are most appropriate based on the needs of your system and measures the overall situation. If you do not know where to start (or continue), just contact us and ask for advice.