Know point by point what is the Time Sensitive Networking, Which offers us and how it works is something that not all industry professionals are clear because not all make use of it or we do but we did not need to know more than the basics required to carry out our tasks . Today we'll talk a little more about this protocol.

What is Time Sensitive Networking?

TSN is a set of own standards Ethernet connection. This aims at the creation, distribution, and operation of systems synchronicity in real time, something that can not be done using the conventional Ethernet. This is achieved by synchronizing data to low latency, for making use of networks 802.

We find three key components that can be used in isolation, they are self-sufficient. However, convergence in one possible use make the most of the protocol. These components are:

  • synchronized time. All components have an internal clock, forming a system of synchronized time goes beyond the end devices, including, among others, network devices. Thus, they work in unison and perform specific tasks at the right time. This can be achieved with GPS, although it is very expensive, or by using the IEEE 1588.
  • Traffic configured and programmed. If we configure and program the traffic allow traffic there different class and priority on the same network, and there are up to eight using the IEEE 802.1Q, which distinguish traffic according to their importance. In each, the user selects the processing mechanisms frames.
  • Selected aspects like reserve, fault tolerance or pathways communication to use. These are very important points in the mission-critical networks, Which are used with IEEE 802.

Time sensitive networking

Time Sensitive Networking vs Ethernet

In addition to this real-time communication and control data between systems designed for use TSN, its use allows us to enjoy some improvements over standard Ethernet. These are:

  • messages low latency thanks to the use of switched networks.
  • Convergence critical or not on the same network traffic.
  • Upper layer protocols share network infrastructure.
  • We have a extensive real-time controlBeyond our area of ​​operation.
  • Subsystems with easy integration to the network.
  • Adding components without network or equipment to be altered or modified.
  • Best and faster diagnosis of network failures.

Protocolo de Ethernet

Regarding the unstoppable IoT, we have the Time Sensitive Networking It allows synchronized transmission of data packets, which also performed deterministically and low latency, something that Conventional Ethernet can not compete.

Thus, those companies engaged in the development of IoT products are moving, without hesitation, this Enhanced Ethernet protocol.

So much for the post this week, do you have any doubt? Remember that you can get in contacto con nosotros to tell us anything. We read next week!